
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Fine-tuning My Skincare Routine

For the past two months or so, I'd noticed the condition of my skin gradually deteriorating into the hormonal, congested, flaky, irritated territory. I was at a loss - I was already using gentle, quality skincare products, taking supplements, spending time pampering my skin; surely there's little more a woman can do, right? Wrong! About a week ago I chanced upon an old 'Routines Cheat Sheet' by the indelible Mrs Hirons (whom I've adored and silently stalked on social media for what... 4 years now? Holla, #TBT!) and it spurred me to really fine-tune my skincare routine. Mind you, it's not that I didn't read the cheat sheet when Caroline first posted it... but turns out, I didn't really really read it.
So here's a little overview of my skincare bad habits, some changes I've already introduced into my routine and more changes I hope to incorporate in the near future. I'm already seeing results from these tiny tweaks: my skin is calmer, less red and congested, plumper and more hydrated. I'm hoping there's something here you too might have overlooked and could change in your skincare routine!

1. Cleansing. If there's just one thing Caroline will impress on you, it's the importance of properly cleansing your skin. We're talking absolutely no foaming cleansers, nice balmy textures applied on dry skin, removed with a hot washcloth (stupidly in the past, I thought she was referring to flannels as an actual fabric... and bought some baby flannel wipes that I still need to replace with just your plain old terry washcloths), as well as double cleansing. I have chucked most foaming face washes a while ago but I sometimes failed at double cleansing and using a cloth to remove it all, like when I'm using my TATCHA One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil. I'll now make sure to always remove it properly, and follow up with another cleanser (currently the Elemental Herbology Purify & Soothe) when I'm wearing make-up and sunscreen... and really throw that cloth in the wash when I'm done with it.

2. Toning. Incorporating an exfoliating toner into my routine has probably been one of the best things I've ever done for my skin. But, I'd fallen a bit behind since I first started using my Mario Badescu Glycolic Acid Toner; Caroline suggests using one twice a day, morning and night, but due to some dryness and irritation, I'd been using it only at night. I now think that maybe I actually wasn't nourishing my skin enough afterwards, and also I might be sensitive to the grapefruit extract in the product (which is why I'll be replacing it with another acid toner in the near future). In the mornings, I've now started to mix a little bit of the MB Glycolic Acid Toner with some of the La Roche-Posay Physiological Soothing Toner, and I have to say my skin is now brighter, evened out and much less congested, without the redness I was getting previously.

3. Hydrating serum. Well... I just didn't always apply a serum, to be perfectly honest. If I was using the Murad Pigment Lightening Serum at night, I'd skip it for fear of the serum interfering with the efficacy of the lightening product. In the mornings, I'd skip it for fear of getting shiny too quickly and overloading my skin. Yet, I was still getting dry patches and flakes. Now, I've started to use this Bioderma Hydrabio Serum Moisturizing Concentrate for Very Dehydrated Sensitive Skin every morning, and I layer it over the Murad hyperpigmentation treatment at night, or alternate them every other day. So far, no flakes!

4. Facial massage. Following Caroline's recommendation, I got this little facial massager from The Body Shop, and use it in the evenings with my second cleanser. I haven't noticed any results from it quite yet, but it's quite fun and pleasant to use - the knobbly bits really feel like they're doing something extra compared to just massaging your skin with a cleanser in circular motions with your hands. I'm hoping the massage will help drain some of the toxins causing deep breakouts on my neck, jawline and chin.

5. Supplements. I've been taking fish oil capsules on and off for about a year now, but now I'm trying to step up my game and make sure I'm taking it every single day. Another supplement I'd like to try in the near future is quercetin, which Caroline recommended for acne-prone skin. From what I've gathered, quercetin is a natural, plant-derived antioxidant that may help with inflammation as well as allergies; in fact, some people call it 'the natural anti-histamine'. I'm planning on getting the Quercetin & Bromelain capsules from Vitacost (referral link) next time I place an order.
6. Other tweaks. I used to always apply my eye cream as the last step in my routine; however, even small amounts of serum or moisturizer may prevent it from being absorbed fully, thus making it less efficient. Now I try to make sure I whack it on as the very first step. I also focus on bringing my skincare down onto my neck; because firstly, I do get some breakouts just under my jawline that could use some exfoliating, and secondly because I want to ensure it's getting some anti-aging action - nobody wants a smooth, unwrinkled face and a lined, sagging neck! I've also kind of gotten away from using spot treatments - I feel like they weren't helping much to actually heal the spot, they were just making the area dry and flaky. Now when I see a spot coming up, I smear some tamanu oil on it to soothe the angry offender.

That's it for now; obviously, my skincare routine is ALWAYS a work in progress, so I'll be introducing more changes in the future, especially by way of replacing some products here and there. I still need to find some good exfoliating toner options to alternate (I'm thinking of trying REN's Clarifying Toning Lotion and First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Pads, which are currently on their way to me!), as well as a lighter cream/milk cleanser to use in the mornigs (maybe REN's Evercalm Gentle Cleansing Milk, or Anthony Logistics for Men Glycolic Facial Cleanser?). I'll definitely review new products as I try them, well if they're worth mentioning anyway.

Have you introduced any changes into your skincare routine recently?


  1. Mine is a work in progress, as well. I have a few new things that I'm trying, but in general I just rotate items out and always keep the same kinds of products around. I do a serum + moisturizer + eye cream in the morning (after cleansing), and a toner + serum + moisturizer + different eye cream at night. LOL. Writing it all out makes me sound like a crazy person...

    1. I think I avoid talking too much about my full routine because THAT would be crazy. Gosh, your skin is so beauiful whatever you're doing must be really working :) Do you use a separate SPF or is in your daytime moisturizer?

    2. Separate! Clarins UV Plus SPF 40.

  2. I've been taking her advice on board recently -- her latest post on acneic versus reactive skin is a good reminder to take it easy on the harsh ingredients. Also, I LOVE HOT WASHCLOTHS. That is all.

    1. YES!!! The feeling of a hot washcloth on your face cannot be beat! I really enjoyed that post of Caroline's as well.

  3. oh facial massagers..they're such a huge thing in asia and some asian women SWEAR by them. there's this huge pre-occupation with a V-shaped face in asia. that desire is very prevalent in korean culture where some people will endure painful surgeries just to achieve that V shaped face. rollers are supposed to help you sculpt your face but i'm somewhat skeptical. that being said, corsets in the whatever-century were able to permanently shape women's bodies so i guess constant and consistent use of the rollers might do some thing eventually..
    mostly thats't the reason i've heard about using face rollers. i haven't heard much about pushing toxins out.

    1. That's so interesting! Not sure if I'm very preoccupied with the shape of my face, but I think facial massage may help with the skin firmness, puffiness and hopefully with the toxins as well - but we shall see. The roller is also quite fun to use!

  4. V. nice reminder! My sin is sometimes I fall back to foaming cleanser (esp if I'm in a hurry and in the shower) but now that I've finished the last bit, I'll stick with cream cleanser. Have you tried Paula's Choice 2% BHA toner as exfoliant? And yes to bringing everything down to the neck! I sometimes get too lazy/don't want to mess with water dripping down my shirt/sleeves to do so.

    1. I also have a few samples of foaming cleansers lingering here and there, but I've decided to try and use them up as make-up brush cleansers. I've actually just orderded the Paula's Choice exfoliant, I have high hopes! I tried the 2% BHA gel a couple years ago and wasn't a huge fan.

  5. Ahhhh, you make me want to wash my face 10 times and spend all day smothered in a hot wash cloth! <3

    I'm curious about testing more of Bioderma's extended range of skin care but I've been pretty routine lately and can't even work up the energy to review some of the PR samples on the backburner. I've got some Philosophy things that are good but they're so expensive that recommending them is always a challenge (along with the silly babbles they like to print on their packaging). I used to love DDF's exfoliating toner but lately rely on more hydrating stuff like LUSH Eau Roma Water or The Body Shop Aloe.

    1. I haven't tried very many products from Bioderma but surprisingly, this serum is very, very nice! Feels light and refreshing on the face and sinks in without residue, but leaving your skin plump and soft. It was however quite expensive when I bought in Poland, somewhere around $30. I've never tried that TBS toner but I know it's your old favorite!

  6. I'm a bit of a Caroline stalker as well... Whenever she raves about a product it's pretty much guaranteed to be in my collection by the end of the week ha... I'm having big problems with adult acne at the moment after having pretty hassle free skin for about 10 years, I found a good zinc supplement has been really helpful, will have to have a look at the Quercetin as well!
