
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Bedside Beauty Edit

It's a sign of a true beauty junkie to have a specific collection of products just for the bedside pampering, always within reach when you're all snuggled up in bed and ready to doze off. I'm pretty nosey and love to know what beauty products people keep at their nighstands, so I thought you lovely people may also be interested in what I use every day before bed.
First off - gotta take care of that dry and scaly bod'. I know it's probably more effective to moisturize your body right after you get out of the shower, while your skin is still damp; but truth is, I already spend way too much time in the bathroom on different ablutions, so I've moved that part of the routine to my bedside. I've been using The Body Shop Brazil Nut Body Butter ($20 for 6.9 oz) for the past couple months and I really, really like it - smells like fresh nutty donuts. I also find it very moisturizing, but it absorbs quite easily, and doesn't get all over my sheets.
I don't slather my whole body in The Body Shop butter every night, so when I'm feeling lazy (most days), I just do my hands, knees and elbows using The Body Shop Almond Hand & Nail Cream ($20 for 100ml/ 3.3 fl oz). It's a pretty lightweight lotion that sinks in quickly, so when eczema strikes, I bring out the big guns - Neosalus Cream. It's a prescription moisturizer/ barrier cream that feels very tacky at first, but then absorbs fully into the skin, forming an invisible layer to seal in all the moisture. I realize that talking of Rx creams may not be super helpful to everyone, but I also know many of you struggle with extremely dry, itchy skin conditions, so maybe ask your dermatologist about it next time you're in for a visit - if you'd rather go the OTC route, I also recommend the CeraVe lotion.
For my dry, peeling cuticles, I like reaching for the Badger Organic Cuticle Care ($5.99 for 0.75 oz). It's a solid balm in the tin (by the way, how cute is that packaging?!) that melts into an oil on your skin, and smells absolutely amazing: like mandarin oranges, lemongrass & ginger. It does feel quite oily on the skin and doesn't sink in immediately, so I try to use it as the very last step before going to sleep. On my lips, I always use Osmia Organics Honey-Myrrh Lip Repair ($22 for 0.28 oz); you can read my detailed review and comparison to Nuxe Reve de Miel over here.
Lastly, two sleep potions: a pillow spray and an oil rollerball. When I feel a bit anxious and have some trouble winding down from the day, I like to spray the Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Sleep Lavender Vanilla Pillow Mist ($10 for 5.3 oz) on our bedsheets. It's a sweet, comforting, almost creamy lavender, not too overbearing but the scent does linger on the linens for about an hour to two hours; I'd say it's a good alternative to more expensive pillow sprays, especially when you're not quite decided yet if it's a product you'll get a lot of use out of. For a more natural, essential oil option, I use the 21 Drops in 18 - Sleep ($29 for 8 ml/ 0.27 fl oz). It's a blend of sandalwood, ylang ylang, palmarosa and vetiver essential oils that you can roll onto your wrists, temples and sides of your neck to help with a racing mind and restlessness. I do think aromatherapy and scents in general can help evoke different emotional states, and breathing in this slightly spicy, sensual woodsy concoction aids in letting go of stressful, worried thoughts before hitting the hay.

Do you have your own little stash of products you like to use before drifting off? What are your favorites for a bedside pamper session?


  1. I like your picks!
    My bedside beauty consists of products for hands, nails, lips and a pillow mist. For my lips I use a Nivea lip butter, for my nails/hands I have Dior Apricot Cream (the cuticle cream) and a very thick hand cream from Rituals. And my pillow mist is a lavender scented one from Le Couvent des Minimes. There's no Bath & Body Works where I live (I wish!), but lavender and vanilla combined does sound good!

    1. I've seen Le Couvent de Minimes here and there but never tried anything - I'll be on the lookout now! I think NYC's Duane Reade carries it. I've heard lots of good things about the Dior cuticle cream too - although I use mine so rarely that it's probably not worth investing in something pricier... Ugh. So lazy.

  2. Lovely things! I think we like a lot of the similar smells: Brazil Nut, Almond and Lavender/Vanilla. :) I almost ordered that Osmia lip balm the other day but want to finish off a few before making that move, so maybe in the fall/winter. And I'm not big on spraying linen and tend to trial a perfume sample just before bed, crossing my fingers that they won't induce nightmares, lol.

    1. Oh, trialling perfumes before going to sleep sounds lovely, actually! Well, yes, as long as they turn out to be pleasant scents :) I remember a beauty blogging friend telling me that she uses up less favorite perfumes by spraying them before bed :) Yes, I love all nutty and vanilla things, especially in bodycare. I know you didn't care for that hand cream though!

  3. Lovely selection! I have quite a few products on my night stand. My must have(s) of the moment, L'Occitane Shea butter body lotion and hand cream along with Nuxe RĂªve de Miel for lips (I would love to try Osmia eventually) and unrefined shea butter for cuticles. :)

  4. I didn't know B&BW sold pillow mists! I'm sold. The next time I'm at the mall I'm getting one! Especially in a dreamy lavender.

    1. I know, I was quite surprised myself! Also, it's not often talked about in the blogosphere - but it is actually quite good. Aura Cacia makes a natural essential oil pillow mist as well that you can later refill by mixing their essential oil blend with some water. I may try it at some point!

  5. I only have a few items on the bedside table. A tube of CeraVe cream for my hands and a tin of Smith Rosebud salve for my lips. CeraVe lotion is my favorite all over moisturizer. Sometimes I even use it on my face. :)

  6. Unfortunately I dont have a nightstand but I do try and use hand cream, cuticle balm, lip plumping treatment and a relaxing body spray right before bed! In fact, I've discovered one recently that smells divine (the brand is based on aromatherapy "recipes", so, yeah, I couldnt agree any more with you)! As for the TBS hand cream, I love the almond scent, and I think it's slightly more soothing than the rose and hemp ones they do!

  7. Ahhh, sounds like a delectable selection. I used to have pampering box next to my bed but no more since I have a small child. He practically EAT lipbalms.. thankgoodness it is the S.W. Basics -- not as moisturizing as Nuxe, but it has all organic, simple ingredients.

    1. Hahah, we probably all eat lip balm, like it or not - but probably not as fast as your little one :) SW Basics sounds intriguing, I like simple ingredients!

  8. Liking your arsenal of relaxation, especially inspired by the smelly bits and pieces. When I was a young un my mum used to dab Olbas Oil on my pillow to help me get a good sleep, which I'd be tempted to revert to now, if wouldn't make me feel like a child. The This Works pillow spray is just alright, not worth the money to me, so it's nice to hear some alternatives.

    On my bedside cabinet it's L'Occitane Shea Butter hand cream and Nuxe Reve de Miel Lip Balm, both used every night without fail. And a little bottle of Caudalie Divine Oil, in case the other half is lucky enough to get a massage.

    1. I so remember that Olbas Oil! I had lots of sinus issues as a child (probably still have...) and my mum used it for at home steam treatments to ease my breathing. I guess eucalyptus essential oil would probably do the trick. I love L'Occitane's hand cream and Nuxe Reve de Miel, but still haven't tried Caudalie Divine Oil! On my list of things to check out :)

  9. I keep lots of Smellies on my bedside table too. There's always some type of healing balm situation for my lips/cuticles/random cuts and scratches. At the moment I'm using one by a New Zealand brand called Archeus. There's also a vanilla-y scented candle and a sandalwood candle, both gifts. There are always a couple of moisturisers as well, usually ones I don't like enough to use on my face so I try and use them up on my body! Lastly is a lavender scented eye pillow I picked up somewhere in the hopes it would help my insomnia... I usually forget to use it though.

  10. Oh, Mandarin oranges! That sounds the the product that I would use...Need to hop to the grocery store to find that cuticle cream. I don't have a bedside routine (maybe I should though, at least put some clear balm so my lips are peeling) since I just usually wash my face and dropped down to snoozes.

  11. I love this post!! I keep the Rituals calming bed & body spray on my bedside table, 'cause it makes me feel all sleepy and relaxed. Also, my Rituals hand cream, my Vichy nightcream and my Etude House sheet masks!

    xx Anine

  12. Oh! How nice!! To me, it's always ladylike to pamper your own skin before going to bed. It's so feminine, delicate and a self caring way to end the day. Sigh.... if only I could. I just can't. I jump into bed, hide under my blanket and fall asleep. I just don't have that patience or that ounce of femininity in me >_< I fail as a woman!!!

    1. Lily, there's no way you fail as a woman - seriously. I'm too lazy to do anything most nights, but can't imagine I'd have any energy left if I had two kids to take care of on top of everything else - right?! <3

  13. OMG!!! i want that Bath & Body Works Aromatherapy Sleep Lavender Vanilla Pillow Mist. I am finding a pillow spray and I am open in trying this out. It seems like a great one to try out. Kinda curious on its scent.
