
Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend Getaways: Washington DC

If you follow me on Instagram (please do, I'm scintillating!), you may have noticed we got away to Washington DC for the Easter weekend. Not being American, it was quite a curious experience of lots of marble columns, temples enshrined to fathers of American democracy, war memorials, fantastic museums, and quite unexpectedly, delicious food and coffee - we recommend the Cedar restaurant and Swing Co. Coffee Roasters, respectively. I did a quick poll on Twitter if you'd like to see my photos from the trip, blogger friends said yes, so here we go!
The obligatory: Lincoln Memorial.
Washington DC has some beautiful architecture; we stayed in a hotel 5 minutes away from Georgetown, which was particularly picturesque.
Fail: we were in DC exactly one week after the National Cherry Blossom ended, and let's just say the cherry trees were past their prime. And yes, that's trash floating in the pond.
F.D. Roosevelt Memorial.

Tidal Basin totally flooded that poor park bench. Made for a nice picture though.
Jefferson Memorial.
Remember what I said about those marble columns? Yeah.
Yes! Cherry blossoms! Success!
Thinker on a Rock by Barry Flanagan in the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden, modeled by Mr.
The stone (marble?) benches around the fountain in the Sculpture Garden were surprisingly comfy. Also, my feet really, really hurt.
The Capitol.
National Gallery of Art West Garden Court.
I've probably never mentioned that I really like Edward Hopper's work. This is Cape Cod Evening, 1939.
I hope you enjoyed my highlights from our Washington DC weekend getaway! Where have your travels recently taken you?


  1. Beautiful photos, I'd love to visit Washington DC :o) Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

  2. Beautiful beautiful photos, Monika! It's lovely to see one of you as well <3

  3. Gorgeous photos! I've been itching to visit DC but it's not happening anytime soon because of scheduling conflicts with my family :( You captured the balance of nature and man-made architecture beautifully and I've never seen this side of the city before. Usually I see the typical photos of the regal White House and lawn or the intimidating Capitol but DC looks absolutely delightful and approachable from your point of view. What was your favorite attraction in DC? Also, I need more details about the food! :)

    1. Thank you Kar Yi! I try to shy away from super 'touristy' shots - but it's a bit difficult with this number of monuments and tourists all around the city! I think we liked the National Gallery of Art the best, and just wandering around the National Mall. The best food we had was at the Cedar restaurant - they specialize in game meats but I had a prix-fixe three course menu that was amazing, and the chef was able to cater to Mr's allergies and they actually served him a special appetizer and dessert on the house. We left a huge tip!

  4. I love your pictures! DC is an entirely different world on its own, I think. Which hotel did you stay in?

    1. Yes, it definitely has its own vibe - and it's so different from New York. We stayed at Avenue Suites in Foggy Bottom (yes, I'm immature and it still gets a chuckle from me) and it was very nice. The bed was super comfortable!

  5. Great post! I was in Washington recently and loved it. It's a beautiful city. I was surprised at just how big the Mall is. My feet were definitely aching after hitting all the key tourist spots.

    P.S. love your jacket in that last pic :)


  6. Great pics! :) I think I have almost the exact same pose with The Thinker when I went 6-7 years ago. At that time, I was too early for the cherry blossoms, so your experience was probably much better and less chilly. I really wanted to get into the National Archives for some reason but the line was insane that day. What was your favourite part of DC?

  7. Oh this is lovely! I'd love to take my daughter to Washington, I've been years ago but no pics. Love the last one! So pretty! :)

  8. I think I'll like Washington DC :) white ivory architecture!! Love your scarf there <3

  9. Thank you for sharing your getaway!! Husband and I used to both live in/near D.C. so I really loved seeing your pics :-) And can you believe I was there for 3 years and not once was able to catch the Cherry Blossoms?!! lolol!! Ah the National Museum...I used to go there several times a year, many times by myself, and just take it all in. So beautiful. I miss it! We keep threatening to go back and visit - it's been almost 20 years since either of us has been back...we'll make it one day ha ha :-)
