
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November Holistic Skincare Challenge

I think I'm a glutton for punishment: this month I have not only promised myself not to buy any more beauty or fashion related things, but I've also decided to make November the month of holistic skincare here at Rocaille Writes.

Holistic approach to skincare means taking into account all aspects of a being: its physical, psychological, emotional, social, environmental and spiritual needs and imbalances. To put it simply, I will focus my attention not only on the skincare products I'm using, but my diet, habits and attitudes towards my skin, with the ultimate goal of helping my skin (as well as the whole organism) become more happy and healthy.

I will devote each November challenge post to a different aspect of my treatment, and I will update this introductory post with links when the posts go live, so that you'll be able to navigate the whole series more easily. Throughout the months of November and December, you can expect posts on:
- emotional/ psychological changes I've been introducing (more on that coming very soon... I'm actually a bit hesitant to write about it, but it's part of the challenge!)
- my diet and supplementation
- changes in my skincare routine

I'm hoping that my little series might inspire some of you to try a different approach to skincare - let me know in the comments if there's anything you've been doing differently that helped your skin!


  1. This sounds really interesting! Looking forward to it :)

  2. @Larie Thank you, dear!

    @Dovey: Hope you'll find something interesting there :)

  3. After my last battle with acne, I vowed to do the same but didn't really map out a thorough resolution for it like you did. (Similar to you, I'm a little shy about posting about the psychological/emotional aspect.) To start, I've eased up on coffee intake, drink more water and get more sleep. I'm really looking forward to your posts - good luck!!!

  4. @Liz: Thanks so much for your comment, love! I'm doing all the things you mentioned, and I hope that the psychological side of the challenge won't freak you all out too much. x

  5. looking forward to more of your holistic topic posts! It's been 3 weeks since I stopped using make up and it helps my skin to breathe and fully recover from my skin condition just recently.can't wait for the next update :)

  6. Sounds really interesting :). And no, psychological side of challenge doesn't freak me out, I think You're quite brave to do it.

    As for Sleek palette, it's a pity You have to wait so long, but, in my opinion, the palette is totaly worth it ;).

  7. Can't wait to see how this little journey goes for you :).
