
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Santa Tracy, slip a blusher under the tree...

For me! Been an awful good girl... Ok ok, you get the idea! Tracy from Beauty Reflections slipped something amazing in the mail for me - just look at these beauties!

A couple weeks ago I met up with Tracy, who was visiting her brother, and Larie (who wasn't, ha) for some much-needed blogging gossip, coffees and make-up shopping. While at Sephora, I mentioned that I was thinking of picking up NARS 'Douceur' blush, and Tracy was kind enough to send me her unloved one... together with this beautiful Laura Mercier 'Nectarine' blush!

Aren't they both a blushing dream come true? Even Mr commented how nice the NARS packaging looked compared to other brands (which was promptly followed by a remark that the inside wasn't as impressive - what does he know, huh?).

And a quick swatch swatch for you, because I couldn't stop myself.

Tracy, you're an absolute angel, thank you so so much! Now, I'll be putting together a little package to send all the way to Canada...


  1. Haha you are adorable :D Yeah, what does he know? It's NARS! It's gorgeous! Both of those look beautiful on your skin - especially the LM! That peach is to die for *_*

  2. 'Nectarine' has the most amazing gold shimmers running through it, more like opalescence really! Coralista, move over... :)

  3. Awww, thanks love! You're such a sweetie!! I know they'll get the love they deserve with you! They both look gorgeous on your skin!
    And seriously, I don't need anything!! I want to get rid of some more things!

  4. Tracy, it's not about what we need, it's about what we like, no? I'll try not to go overboard ;)

  5. both look beautiful! both are shades i have been wanting to try badly. nectarine is my planned first item from laura mercier to try. enjoy your blushes :)

  6. Aw, they both look gorgeous. I like them a lot, I think I need to check them out :)

  7. Tracy is the ultimate blush fairy!
    Nectarine looks beautiful. The gold sheen and peachy goodness, ahhhhh <3

  8. I've been on a blush kick recently and Nectarine looks AMAZING! Ah!! My wallet will not be happy :(

  9. @Kellyyes: I was thinking of picking up Laura Mercier loose powder, I've heard great things about that one!

    @Make-up Compulsivo: They're my new babies ;) BTW, love your screen name!

    @Ashley: She is, isn't she? Golden sparkles usually scare the crap out of me, but Nectarine is just gorgeously smooth and lovely!

    @AngelicBetrayal: I know what you mean, I think I'm a blush fiend too! x

  10. the nars shade looks amazing, so sophisticated..can't wait to see it on you! happy christmas, have a lovely holiday xox

  11. They're both lovely and I'm sure suits your fair complexion fabulously! I've been eyeing LM Nectarine for a while. :)

    Yes, Tracy is a sweetheart!
