
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

New Hair... Again!

I've just realized I hadn't shown you my new haircut yet; I got it last Monday! My slowly-growing-out hair was simply driving me crazy and I couldn't wait any longer, so I decided to have it cut in a style at least approximate to what I'm aiming for - a 1920's straight bob.

On the sides, you can see that my hair is still not quite long enough, so there are some strange pieces sticking out, but it's a huge improvement from my hair just 'being there', as my husband observed. I've never had a straight full bangs before and wasn't quite sure whether my face suited them, but I'm really happy with how it turned out. It looks quite vintage, but not old-fashioned... I think!

On my stylist's suggestion, I also made a big overhaul of my haircare; to be honest, I'd never given much attention to my hair and hair products, but I've found that using things suited to your hair type and style really does make a difference. I don't particularly like styling my hair, but with my new haircut, it only takes about 15 minutes, is super easy and makes a big difference to how my hair looks and holds on throughout the washes (I wash my hair every two days).

Oh, and just a quick note about my hair color, since I got a lot of questions the last time I posted something hair-related. This is my natural hair color and I've never had my hair color-treated, apart from some highlights a couple years ago. In the photos, it looks quite red, but really the color changes quite a bit depending on the lighting - it varies from dark blonde, through ashy brown, to reddish chestnut color. I wish it would actually appear more red-toned more often!

Have you ever gone for a straight bob? Do you like your natural hair color?


  1. AAAAHHH I love it! *jumps up and down in excitement*

  2. GORGEOUS. Also, your skin is so perfect. Actually peaches'n'cream, which is something I always thought was made up by Sweet Valley High.

    1. I remember those books! That was one of my first peeks into American teenage culture :) Thank you, lovely!

  3. Oh my god I love this SO MUCH! /shameless flailing

    Seriously, honey. This cut looks absolutely fabulous, both on its own and with your (ridiculously perfect) face! :o)

  4. that haircut looks so awesome on you :)

  5. Monika this looks AMAZING!! I love it!! Wow, your hair grew quite a bit! This looks so god on you!

  6. I love your natural hair color! It's so pretty and complex. What a beautiful and daring haircut :)

  7. hi
    you look beautiful :)
    best regards,

  8. This is beautiful!! I love my natural hair color (never done anything to it either) - and my coloring is very similar to yours! It gets lighter in the summer and you can see more red in it - and darker in the winter.

  9. you are rocking that hair style!
