
Friday, October 26, 2012

The Perfect Mossy Green: L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadow in Golden Emerald

I was never a fan of green eyeshadow, perhaps mostly because of the fact that it's my mom's favorite color and one of the very few she would use in her make-up. The thing is, she has a beautiful golden olive complexion, and me - I'm a ghostly porcelain, so I would always have it in the back my mind that green is just not my color. But, I was lemming a mossy green to include in my fall eyeshadow stash and so I turned to the much-loved L'Oreal 24HR Infallible eyeshadows and selected no. 335 'Golden Emerald' - and what a beaut she is!

As you probably all know, the L'Oreal Infallible shadows are somewhere in between a cream and loose pigment formula, much like the Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kills shadow pots, and come equipped with a little stopper to push the shadow down. Much less messy and easy to apply than a standard loose pigment!
'Golden Emerald' is in fact, as the title suggest, the perfect mossy green packed full of golden shimmer. I usually associate emerald with a much cooler gemstone shade, and this is more of a warm green, somewhat greener than olive and of deeper intensity. I think it's supposed to be comparable to MAC's Humid but I can't vouch for that. In fact, I have a hard time comparing it to any other green eyeshadows on the market, simply because it's actually my first green :)
L'Oreal Golden Emerald, deep green (!) from Sleek Storm palette, Urban Decay 24/7 liner in Mildew, NYX Glide-on liner in Esmeralda

L'Oreal Golden Emerald swatches beautifully with very little effort; what you see below is a single swipe, no primer. It is however a bit more difficult to achieve the same intensity on the eye; I found patting multiple layers with a finger worked better than using a brush. The gold sparkle definitely shows up on the lids and it wore with no fallout over eye primer and minimal creasing for a solid 8 hours.
 The green smokey eye I had here was a simple wash of 'Golden Emerald' on the lid blended upwards using 'Sophisticated' and 'Sultry' from theBalm Nude'Tude eyeshadow palette, with a touch of 'Snobby' in the inner corners. I then lined my upper lashline and waterline with a black khol and applied lots of mascara. Done! I think the look was a bit more dramatic in real life and I actually liked it a lot. Maybe I've conquered my fear of green eyeshadow?
Is there an eyeshadow color you subconsciously tend to avoid? What is your favorite green shade?


  1. EEEEEE Monika! I love this green! I must have it. It looks stunning on you!

  2. I think it's a great contrast color with your hair and eye color! It is one of those shades from the infallible line I wanted to pick up (initially...) but the formula, beside the sheerness part, fades way too quickly on me...So kind of just let it go. I have no clue how to blend a chunk of bold color like this on my eyes anyway so I am not missing out a lot.

  3. It's a beautiful shade! I think I might have to check it out.

  4. Golden Emerald looks lovely on your lids! If I weren't so afraid of blues and greens, I might just check this out myself.

  5. SO PRETTY YOU! Love the shade from the Sleek palette, too. :)

  6. Wow, I must say, green looks gorgeous on you! I always think that it wouldn't work for my blue eyes.

  7. I initially didn't think I needed this shade, but it looks so fabulous on you, I think I'll have to pick it up now!

  8. Perfect color for you and omg, your hair has grown so much!

    1. Thank you, dear :) I know, it's crazy! The photos made me realize I need a bang trim again...

  9. Monika, your complexion is anything but ghostly :) and you look fab in greens!

  10. Oh my goodness this shade of green looks absolutely lovely against your pale skin!!

  11. AHHH It is gorgeous on you! I definitely avoid green eyeshadows, but i'm glad you didn't! :)

  12. This is a beautiful look and Golden Emerald really looks stunning on you! I think the green looks beautiful against your coloring and hair--you should wear it more often! I have this shade too but haven't worn it yet--must definitely do so tonight!

    Since high school, I think I've pretty much avoided blue eyeshadow altogether. I am starting to play around again with navy blue as a liner or used in a navy smoky-eye look, but any bright or bold blue shades I just don't think look good on me.

  13. Absolutely gorgeous, both you and the shadow!!

  14. It's beautiful!! Also the green from Sleek! Just fell in love with it! xx

  15. Holy smokes this is a gorgeous shade! And it works so well with your skintone and hair color! I need to run and get this color, ASAP! I have so little greens in my stash...
