
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Anti Make-up Phase

I confess: so far, I haven't bought any make-up this year. To be specific, I've only bought one beauty product thus far (Murad's Rapid Age Spot and Pigment Lightening Serum, mentioned here), so this post should probably be called 'The Anti Beauty Product Phase' - but well, that just didn't sound right and I'm all about catchy titles that actually reveal nothing of the forthcoming content (sometimes, anyway).
And this post isn't even about a make-up no-buy, which I'm NOT doing, by the way (so don't worry, I'll continue to blog about various beauty product discoveries!). In fact, it's about beauty products I've realized I don't need. Don't need, because I never use them, and have been able to satisfyingly cross out from all my beauty shopping lists. So, here are some categories of products I've eliminated, or I'm in the process of eliminating, from my beauty stash:
Foundation primers. I religiously reach for my NARS Pro-Prime Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base every time I wear eye make-up, but foundation primers are just so... meh. It might be that I just haven't found a game changer yet, but most of the time I just can't be bothered. You can see in the photo that I have a nice variety of samples to play with when I want to experiment, though I can't see myself actually purchasing a foundation primer for a very, very long time indeed.
Highlighters. I own two full-sized ones and some deluxe samples, and, uhm... almost never reach for them. The Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in Luminous Light (reviewed here) is definitely the best one I've ever tried and I like to apply a tiny bit here and there, but overall, I think I could really do without them; if need be, they could be easily replaced by a bit of highlighting eyeshadow, me thinks. I guess I'm lucky to have enough of my natural glow (shine, ekhem, ekhem...) to cover most of my highlighting needs.

Also a controversial omission from my make-up routine: eyelash curlers. I do own a great pair from Shiseido (raved about here) but I've come to realize I don't actually need them - my lashes have a natural curl to them! Adding the extra step of curling just makes them look strangely crimped, causes mascara transfer on my browbone, and makes them more brittle over time. So eyelash curlers... maybe not for everyone after all?

Lip liners. Fussy, drying, superfluous. I don't know you guys, I haven't actually noticed my lipstick ever bleeding outside my lip lines, and when I want a defined, long-lasting lip, I just carefully apply my lipstick with a brush, blot, apply again. I just can't be bothered to match a lip liner to all of my favorite bold lipsticks, and I can't be bothered with the extra step. So there.

And on the topic of lips - lip scrubs. I mean... just why exactly do we buy them? You can do all your lip exfoliating with a soft toothbrush, or a Q-tip dipped in some lip balm, or your regular face scrub, or like me, a damp towel. Or hey, you could even make your own scrub with some sugar and base oil. Why do we feel convinced that we need to add a lip scrub to our already lengthy beauty routines?
Self tanners. I know more of you are in the same boat with me - I embrace my pale skin. Gosh darn it, not even a full bottle of self tanner is going to turn me into a bronze goddess anyway; not with my coloring! I like bronzers for adding a subtle warmth to my face, and even with diligent applications of sunscreen, my body usually manages to get some sun in the warm months, and I think that's enough for me. The only time I feel like I could use some gradual self tanner is when I expose my white shins to the world for the first couple times in the spring - but these two samples you see here, mixed in with some body lotion, should be enough to last me the upcoming season at least.

Speaking of body care, I also don't use shaving cream - I actually don't have any to show you, because I don't remember the last time I bought one. I just find it's such an easy product to substitute: you could use a moisturizing soap/shower gel for shaving, or a body lotion, or a hair conditioner, or something like coconut oil. Why multiply the already numerous bottles in the shower? Multitask your products is what I say.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my stash reducing thought process! Are there any products you have succesfully eliminated from your beauty routine? Also, check out Beauty Reductionista's take on things she doesn't buy or need!


  1. You're so lucky if you don't see the need for primers! I love them personally but maybe it's psychological since I really like the idea of a barrier between skin and foundation. Have you tried Hourglass Veil Mineral or No. 28 Serum/Primer? Bestest! I also really liked Laura Mercier's Oil Free but apples/oranges and all that. :) I loved this peek into your stash of non-necessities! I've gone back a bit on eye cream (still debatable) and volume boosting hair products, but generally my stance is the same on the rest.

    1. I get shiny with primers anyway... although I haven't tried the Hourglass ones yet! Maybe one day :) I was really jealous of some of the ones you eliminated - I really need my hand cream and deodorant! :D

  2. Yes, to all of these. These are the exact products I've eliminated from my routine and stash because I never, ever, use them.

  3. Great post, Monika! Yes Yes Yes! Agree on the primers. I don't like having another layer on my skin when I am already slathering on a moisturizer and sunscreen before even getting to the foundation. Also don't like how I end up shinier when I use them.

    I have a nude color lip liner (general, all purpose one) and one clear one. I don't want to bother going through the exercise of finding a matching colored one to go with my lipsticks.

    I also don't use eye creams. :)

    1. Yep, a primer is just another layer to smear one; if a sunscreen has good enough texture it should actually help foundation go on nicer as well! I see you're with Liz on eye creams - I find that my eye area is a lot drier than most of my face, so my regular face moisturizer is usually not enough. But I used to never bother with eye cream a couple years back!

  4. OK green eyed monster alert. I'm super jealous you don't have to curl your lashes!! *sigh* Different genes and all that. I don't use much primers either, and things I don't purchase - body oils or body creams. No to face oils because my skin is OK without it, and I really don't like how it sits on my skin.

    1. Lily, you always crack me up! I have naturally really straight hair on my head though, and I could kill for some curls/waves. I love face and body oils, couldn't give them up! You're in a really warm and humid climate though, and it's very cold and dry in New York right now.

  5. Hey Monika, I'm with you on highlighters, lip liners, lip scrubs, and self tanners (I don't think I've ever bought a single self tanner. The only thing I own that comes close is Caudalie Divine Legs, which I do like)! I know there are highlighter connoisseurs out there who will probably pelt me with stones, but between one highlighter and the next I don't see enough difference to warrant more. I keep using the Chanel one from last year's spring collection, and that's probably the only highlighter I need for my entire life time!

    1. I think I should try the Caudalie leg stuff or This Works version next! Same here, most highlighters look very similar to me, so I don't see the need to have more than one really... especially if it's Chanel!

  6. A prodcut I have been enjoying is the Tarte BB treatment.
    It is a primer, moisturizer, and gives great coverage! It really makes my face look great :)

  7. this is great! i too have a list of things that i just can figure out why people like and really don't need in my routine. i'm a bit on the fence about primers...yeaaa. sometimes they give me an hour or two more wear or less shininess but...who cares lol. sometimes its good for important days but generally meh.

    i also don't get lip scrubs. i think its' helpful to have your lips exfoilated b/c mine get pretty dry and sometimes looks awful under lip stick but buying a specific product for that, which is basically sugar and some other stuff mixed in, seems sort of over the top to me... i just scrub my lips with whatever face exfoliant i have.

    and same...never really noticed bleeding..but then again, i don't notice much :P (SUCH A BAD BLOGGER).. but i do have an clear one just in case.

    having short asian lashes makes it necessary to have a curler though. the shu uemura ones are a god send.

    1. With primers, I don't usually get any benefits in terms of a longer wear, but some do give a foundation a nicer finish, or help to conceal large pores/uneven texture! I have to exfoliate my lips as well but a warm washcloth is so much easier than a sugar lip scrub I tried from Lush a long time ago :) That one tasted good tho!

  8. I'm with you on primers! For lip liners, I only have a clear one and a red one, but I only use them with the super vampy/red lips because I do get feathering with some products, and that annoys me.

    I LOVE highlighters, though! I don't collect them or anything, but I have to have one. I was just thinking the other day that it's one of the products I don't think I could go without again! Gives that much needed boost to skin for me.

    1. I think it's going to be down to individual skintypes - with my combo skin, added glow is sometimes just too much, especially if my blush is on the glowy side already! You have more of a dry skin, right?

  9. You don't need a lash curler??? Have you read any of my mascara posts? I'm speachless. Seems you got the genes I was suppost to have!

    I recently realised that I'm not much into blushes so I pass most of the time and face primers? Not for me either, why would I bother with an extra step in the morning? Lip scrubs make me laugh and I'm way over the lip liner thing. I have a clear one and use it once every 2 months or so. Highlighters aren't really my thing and shaving creams are for me like lip scrubs, no need!

    Except for the naturally curled lash confession... Loved this post! :)

    1. Oh, if only could only trade genes! I used to wear no blush when I first got into make-up because I thought my skin was red enough as it was, but now I'm all about blushes! Everyone's mentioning a clear liner - maybe I should test one out some time to see if I'm missing out! Please, don't hate me for my curly lashes! ;)

  10. Haha, this post made me dizzy! The first three had me reeling in bafflement / betrayal / envy (I would happily drop foundation, concealer and mascara for primer, highlighter and curlers!) but I'm with you all the way on the rest of your list :) It's a really good way to think about things and deal with the clutter we can accumulate somewhat unthinkingly as beauty bloggers (or indeed women).

    1. Oooh, sorry, Kate! <3 Hahah, I think it's all down to our individual needs and skintypes - maybe I wouldn't be so ambivalent about primers and highlighters if I had dry skin? Yeah, I haven't curled my lashes in approx. a year, I think... I don't know, maybe I'm doing something wrong with mine, but it doesn't look that much better compared to when I don't curl!

  11. I LOVE primers! I think it's because I live in a humid country; they really help me out. :) Very jealous of your no-curler needed lashes. :(

  12. I totally agree on the self tanner, but I don't think I could miss these other products! It's a really unique post though.
    xx Anine

  13. I'm with you on the last four items but you'll have to pry my primers (face & eye) out of my cold dead hands!! Hourglass mineral veil is my go to face primer and Urban Decay Anti-Aging primer potion for eyes. Although I'd like to compare it to NARS.
    My lashes could use the help of a curler but I can't be motivated to do so.
    Highlighter - see above primer. I have enough natural shine on my own. I don't need to artificially add any!
    Lip liners - if you wear MLBB shades there is no need for lip liner!
    And another member of the paler than pale club checking in here. After numerous attempts with self-tanner over the years, I've decided the orange spots and stripes where I missed or didn't exfoliate well enough just isn't worth it. People that know me, know that I can't tan to save my life. So why pretend?!!
    Excellent read! I love seeing what other women think are must haves & what items are unnecessary in their makeup.

    1. Another vote of confidence for Hourglass Mineral Veil! Now I want to try it - maybe when I manage to use up one of my samples? Oh, I hate looking like an Oompa Loompa after a self-tanner fail... better to be ghostly pale after all. Thank you for reading and commenting dear, it means a lot to me! <3

  14. I love everything about this post! I am trying to get my makeup act together and it is nice to see a list of things that maybe aren't a need rather than another list of: Your makeup collection is not complete without these 234 products! :)

  15. Such a great post. We share alot of the same "don't need" products. Although, I have the world's worst lashes , so a lash curlers is a need.
