
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Make-up Addict Tag

This is a very vague tag name for a beauty blog, don't you think? I would probably rename it somewhere along the lines of 'A Nosy into My Make-up Collection and Storage'. I always think that ONE DAY I will show you a little tour of my vanity, but in reality, that day never comes - so better a little glimpse than nothing, right? Thanks to Larie from Eye Heart It for tagging me, it was fun!

1. Which product do you still keep buying more of despite having plenty in your collection?
Leeeepsteeecks. And eyeshadows. And blushes. I'm a touch more tame when it comes to mascaras, eyeliners, primers, foundations, concealers, face powders, bronzers and highlighters - I'm happy with finding just a few that work and sticking to them over and over again.
2. What's the one product you can't live without?
Concealer - the first make-up product I started wearing regularly as a teen. My skin is still plagued by spots and scars, so I'm usually embarassed to show my bare face in public without concealing all the imperfections first. I know it's probably very silly and vain of me, but that's the truth.

3. Favorite makeup brand?
Is that even a legitimate question to pose a make-up addict, I ask you? I actually enjoy buying products from brands I've never tried before, so my collection tends to be pretty eclectic. I like Guerlain for lipsticks (but only have two because uhm, pricey), Inglot, Fyrinnae and Rouge Bunny Rouge for eyeshadows, Pixi for eyeliner pencils. At the drugstore, I like Revlon and Maybelline. Can we stop this torture now?

4. How big is your makeup collection?
Big for normal people, small for hardcore make-up addicts; so I guess somewhere in the middle? It all fits into this ----->
5. And how do you store it?
A small IKEA chest of drawers and half of a vanity drawer (also IKEA), the other half being taken up by jewelry. I store my nail polishes, skincare and so on separately, some in our tiny bathroom, some in a set of drawers in the bedroom. I'm not completely happy with my storage; while the IKEA box on top of my vanity is quite sturdy and functional, the built-in drawer is not - it only opens about halfway, and storing excessive amounts of eyeshadow palettes inside has caused the bottom to warp, threatening to spill the contents on the (hardwood!) floor. I'm very jealous of everyone's Muji storage, so I may try to justify that purchase at some point.

6. How many items of makeup have you got in your handbag at the moment?
Lessee: six. Two lipsticks (Lancome Color Design in Wine Party and NYX Tea Rose, which is part of my Project Make A Dent), Palladio blotting paper, Peter Thomas Roth Mineral Powder SPF 30, a Miss Sporty concealer pencil and a sample of Le Blanc de Chanel from Macy's that I forgot to take out of my purse.

7. If you could raid another blogger's stash, who would it be?
Is it totally predictable that it would have to be Driveller Kate's? That would give me access not only to some Japanese brands I've never laid my mitts on before, but also base make-ups possibly too light even for me. And lots of glitter for the eyes and fabulously bold shades for the lips. Kinda salivating just thinking about it.

8. How long does your usual makeup routine take and how many products do you use?
I've been teased before about how much time I spend doing my make-up, but what my tormentors fail to understand is that I treat it as the time out for ME. I like putting on my slap in peace and quiet without anyone looking, so if I can prolong the process, it makes my day a lot happier. Yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking now - blah de blah, put a NUMBER on it. 30 minutes is a safe bet; mind you, I don't have the usual 'need to get out of the door in the morning' time constraint when I get ready. If I do, I CAN make my routine shorter and simpler; same goes for the number of products, with the minimum being about 6 (powder foundation, concealer, brow product, mascara, blush, lipstick) and the maximum... Ooooh buddy.
The make-up filled half of my vanity drawer, with the shameful box of back-ups hiding in the back.
9. Have you ever bought makeup knowing you wouldn't use it?
Nope - like Larie, I buy make-up to enjoy using it, not just looking at it. Although I will admit that I've started doing this thing where I won't open certain 'back-up' products until the one I'm using at the moment runs out. You would think it's a reasonable process, especially for products like mascara, liquid eyeliners or maybe even foundations. EXCEPT I also do it for lipsticks that aren't even the same brand or shade as the one they're supposed to replace, as well as face powders, primers, concealers... It's quite silly, because now I have mild anxiety that my back-ups will go bad before I even have a chance to get to them. Something to work on next year for sure.

10. Tag a few other makeup addicts to do this tag! 
I have a feeling this is an older tag and a lot of people may have already done it, but I'd love to see Belly of Wondegondigo, Claire from The Land of Lorp, Liz of So Lonely in Gorgeous and Louise of Lilting Grace give it a go - I want to see where you keep your make-ups! Thanks for reading, everyone :)


  1. oh my gosh my PTR mineral sunscreen fully broke and exploded all over my bag. I love the product but I'm a little afraid of it now haha

    1. I generally dislike that packaging and awful scratchy brush, but want to have the option of using it on the go. Definitely won't repurchase that sucker :/

  2. :) I've been tagged!
    A fellow lipstick, eye shadow & blush addict you are. I like spending leisurely time doing my makeup, too. It's such a nice indulgent time to have for oneself.

    1. Can't wait to see your answers, Belly! Yes, grown-up women need time to play too, am I rite? :)

  3. Your collection is much smaller than I anticipated. I always assume that bloggers have these huge unwieldy collections. I have a fear of having products I spend good money on go bad, so I TRY to limit my purchases, especially with mascara. I only have one product I bought and don't intend on using - the MAC Marge simpsons blush.

    1. Haha, I try to keep it under control! I think it all depends on a blogger, some of us probably buy a lot more to review or are sent products from PRs, but I like to keep only what I use and I'm rarely asked to review anything :) Ooh, what's so special about the Marge blush?

  4. I like the pampering time, too. It IS a ritual! People need to understand, lol. Loved reading your answers and seeing your collection!

    1. Thanks for tagging me, it was fun! :D Even if I had to reveal my embarassing make-up secrets... or maybe because of it, lol.

  5. I don't really believe you about spots and scars. Your face is always flawless - no concealer is that good. ;p

    I have the same Palladio rice paper blotting sheets right now and can't wait to finish it up. I thought the powdered side was genius at first but I'm kind of hating all powders at the moment.

    And is there ever such thing as sufficient or perfect storage? I think that I'd feel much better about the amount of things I own if they all fit and look nicely organized in perfectly fitting drawers and such, but IT'S HOPELESS.

  6. Great post! I really enjoyed reading your post. Hope to red more post like this or even more reviews of the latest products nowadays.

  7. "..but what my tormentors fail to understand is that I treat it as the time out for ME." Monika, you are a girl after my own heart... yep 2x, couldn't agree more.
    O.k. better get cracking and looking deep into the dis-organization of my makeup collection.

  8. I love your tiny little drawers! As much as I try to make it all fit inside my vanity drawer, they always creep out to my vanity top, and my bed, and any other flat surface. LOL.

    I love the quiet time when getting ready too. I wish I always had at least two hours to get ready, because in a perfect world, I would meticulously put makeup on for an hour. :)

  9. eeyyyy thanks for the tag ;) I'll get on this as soon as I get back from vacation... get ready to be horrified haha! I actually got rid of a lot of makeup I wasn't using but still ...
    I'm the same way, makeup is something that gets me going in the morning. If I can't enjoy pampering myself as I get ready, what's the point?

  10. I'm so much like you in the sense that I can restrain myself with bases, concealers, mascaras etc... but when it comes to coloured stuff (blushes, eyeshadows, lipsticks and the like) well... I just can't have enough. You never have too many colours, right? The spectrum is too broad!

  11. Yay, I've been tagged! loved reading your answers and getting a peek into your collection. Girl, I'm with you on the prep time, totally therapeutic.

    Hope I can get this tag done by my Sunday ;)

  12. I agree with you, the time I take out to sit down at my makeup desk and enjoy all the colours and textures is pure 'me time' and it is heavenly. I wish I had a collection this size (ish) but I'm sad to say I have way more than I need or could ever enjoy. Your blog makes me want to edit my stash, thank you for the inspiration!
