
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

And There Will Be Three...

This post is completely non-beauty related, but I have some big news to share. I'm 15 weeks pregnant!!! This is our first baby and both me and Mr, as well as our families and friends, are all very excited. We don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet, but I'll keep you posted :)

Baby bean at a 12 week scan
That's the most important part of what I was going to say today - I guess it's hard to top that, huh? - but if you're interested in MOAR BEBEH stuff, you can keep reading. So far (fingers crossed), both me and baby are doing great. Being a natural worrywart, I thought that expecting a baby would definitely cause me to freak out, both emotionally and physically. However, I feel great; I've had almost no pregnancy syptoms at all (haven't had nausea even once) apart from feeling somewhat more pooped in the evenings and now sporting a suspicious 'Is it a bloat? Is it a bump?' thingy around my midsection. I was told though that I look more vibrant by a coworker today, so that's something - right?

As far as my emotional state, I am - obviously - very happy. But I'm not just happier when I remember I'm going to meet my cute baby in the beginning of October; overall I feel more joyful, which is... not exactly my normal state of mind. Somehow my anxious thoughts have taken a backburner in this pregnancy, even though there are lots of bad things one could obsess about. But luckily, it's like my brain decided to take a chill pill and just enjoy the ride. I blame the pregnancy hormones :)

If you're curious what my expecting a baby means for Rocaille Writes, I'm not planning to introduce any big changes. This still is and will remain a beauty blog. You may have noticed however that I have been posting somewhat less frequently, the reason being that a) I was definitely more tired during my first trimester, b) I've been feeling more relaxed about stuff in general, and since blogging is not a job but a hobby, I've somewhat lost the motivation to push for more posts when there isn't anything in particular I want to talk about. But I will do my damn best to stay at about 2 posts a week at least until the arrival of the tiny human bean; I'm not committing to anything specific after that, but I won't just abandon this space. It's my baby too :)

In terms of content, like I mentioned above, I'm still going to be posting my regular product reviews and round-ups, as well as updates on my no/ low-buys and downsizing projects. I may post some pregnancy/ baby-related stuff sporadically if there's any interest; I guess my current skincare routine would be a topic that bridges both of these areas. I was also thinking of showing you my pregnancy capsule wardrobe, since I have talked about clothing capsules in the past. Let me know if that's something you'd be interested to hear about; I realize that pregnancy content is probably only useful to other women who are either currently pregnant or planning to get pregnant in the foreseeable future, but I don't know - maybe the rest of you guys are just nosy. Please share your thoughts in the comments below! That's it for now; and as always - thank you for reading!


  1. Wow, congratulations!! That's so exciting, and I look forward to reading anything you feel inspired to post, whether beauty-related or baby-related! I guess I'm nosy, haha.

    1. Thank you! Hahah, will do - I tend to be nosy too so I understand :D

  2. Congratulations :)

  3. Gratulacje. Ciążowa garderoba w kapsułce, byłaby ciekawym uzupełnieniem tematu.

    1. Dziękuję! W takim razie postaram się pokazać moje zakupy i jak je zestawiam - ale pewnie będzie to dopiero za kilka miesięcy, bo na razie mam mało rzeczy ciążowych i głównie noszę luźniejsze z tych, które do tej pory miałam w szafie :)

  4. Motherhood is one single most life-changing moment in my life, and it definitely has made me a better person. The work is immense but the joy is even more so. Congratulations! I wish you health & resilience along the way.

    P.S. I secretly enjoy maternity fashion, really, I think I looked cuter pregnant than not :-) So yes, share, share!

    1. Thank you Claire, I really appreciate your wishes :) I'll share some maternity outfits then - probably a bit later on, for now I just have a handful of new things and am mostly wearing looser fitting/ elasticized regular clothing. Hugs!

  5. Just read this, so happy for you. Congratulations!

  6. Hurray, congratulations!

  7. Wow, congratulations!

    Don't feel pressured about posting. Most of the time when I see a beloved blogger stopped/slowed down on posting, she is most likely having fun doing other stuff in life and there is no reason not to feel happy for her.(I might resent a little when they delete the whole archive though).

  8. congratulations to you! How exciting!! Take care of yourself and get some rest.

  9. Congratulations! I'm glad to hear you've been chilled out for the most part and not focussing on worrying and what ifs. And not having pregnancy symptoms certainly can't be a bad thing :) Thanks for sharing your happy news!

  10. Motherhood changed me completely! And lucky you! No morning sickness. Well, when I was pregnant with the girls, I had it very easy. I breezed through the whole thing. It was different with the boy. I was sick for about 5 months but it was OK after. I didn't change anything out of my skincare routine though. In fact, my skin and my hair behaved so much better during pregnancy! If not for the end product (3 is enough, thank you!), I'd be pregnant just for good skin and hair. Hahahaha!!!

  11. Congratulations!!! :)

    I'm excited to see the pregnancy capsule wardrobe. I made it through pregnancy with just 1 pair of jeans, 1 1 pair of maternity pants, a dress and a few tops. Mostly i wore all my loose dresses for the first and part of the second trimester, and i took my mum's clothes for the 3rd (she's about maybe 4+ sizes bigger than me?) I have to say that I did feel incredibly unstylish but it probably was due to gaining 30 pounds too :)

  12. I'm so happy for you! And don't feel pressured to fit a posting schedule--if you don't have an idea for an awesome post or you'd prefer to rest, rest wins! :)

  13. Such great news! Congrats to you and the Mr. x

  14. Excitement!!!! Congrats Monika :) As a mom of a 14 month old, anything baby-related gives me such joy - I love hearing that others are expecting, it's such an amazing gift. I'm glad to hear you've been feeling well and happy - I had a very similar experience and it sounds like you're mentally prepared for what's to come. Here's hoping it continues in the same way! :)

  15. Congrats on the baby!!

  16. Congratulations! That's so exciting.

  17. Say what! Congratulations Monika! I'm so happy for you and the mister.

    Creating And nurturing life is amazing, and I can't wait for any updates.

    Sending you loads of kisses and love <3

  18. Oh Monika congratulations I'm only just seeing this now! So wonderful to hear that you are enjoying pregnancy so far, and I am glad you are taking it easy and only blogging when it feels natural - that is why I love every single post you write! I'd personally love to see any baby related posts you choose to write :)
