
Friday, June 24, 2016

2016 Skincare No Buy and Make-up Low Buy Update #2

Another three months have passed in a blink of an eye and it's time to update you on my beauty shopping freezes. I know many of you are trying to limit your cosmetics purchases as well, and ramblings from other sufferers can be both helpful and motivating, so I like sharing my progress with you - please comment if you're doing anything similar this year, I'd love to hear from you!

Let's start with my make-up low buy, which consists of limiting myself to purchasing no more than two products per month, with the possibility of rolling unused purchases into the next month. Soooo... You guys, I haven't bought any make-up in the past three months. Nothing. Nada. I don't know exactly why it turned out this way, because I wasn't actively trying to go on a no buy - it just kinda happened that I wasn't too terribly tempted by anything, and the things I've tentatively put on my wishlist in the meantime, I decided to purchase at a later date - maybe for my birthday in September.

I couldn't however resist the Sephora 15% off sale in April, even though I said in my last update that I wasn't planning to shop, or would only get one utilitarian thing, the Beautyblender Solid Cleanser. I did purchase that, along with a fresh Beautyblender (mine's on its last legs but I'm still refusing to trash it), some skincare for my husband, a new hair brush as we left ours in a hotel in NoLa, and lastly - I'm feeling a tiny bit guilty over this - I cashed in my points for the Laura Mercier lipgloss mini in Bare Baby, because I've had one before and enjoyed the formula. I was also somewhat tempted to purchase two Wayne Goss brushes from Beautylish since I've been really enjoying the one eye blending brush (I believe it's number 06) from his range that I own. But then, I was able to convince myself that these brushes weren't going anywhere and Beautylish doesn't really do sales or promos anyway, so there was no rush to get them then and there. I have also downsized my nail polish stash by further 13 bottles - I have snapped a shot of them on my Instagram if you're curious - I just figured those shades weren't exciting me much anymore and I was happy to see that when I brought them to work, every single one found a new home rather quickly; even our security guard took some for his wife to try out (I believe he called them nail make-up :).

Overall, I'm very happy with my progress, but what makes me even happier than the result itself is the fact that I wasn't really obsessing over any new products in those three months. I still watched YouTube beauty gurus and read blog posts about new releases, but personally, I wasn't too interested in any of the products. What I think helped the most was shopping my own stash, especially when it comes to eyeshadow (here's a recent bronzy/ orangey/ warm brown swatchathon), coming to some realizations on my personal preferences while using the products I already own, and also distracting myself with past times not related to beauty. In April and May, I completed shopping for my maternity wardrobe, and then going on vacation also helped to occupy my mind elsewhere. I have also been spending more time in the kitchen, trying out new recipes. This week, I'm planning to bake my first sourdough bread in two years (I've made bread a couple times in the past but wasn't satisfied with the result) and try my hand at making apricot jam. (*Update*: My first sourdough bread was a complete fail, most likely due to a poorly starter, while apricot jam turned out wonderful!) The abundance of summer produce is making me feel inspired and curious to experiment with new things.

Back-up drawer in March 2016.
Now when it comes to skincare for the face and body, I think I've been equally successful. Above is a shot of my back-up drawer from March, and the one below is what it looks like currently. I have replaced some of my recent skincare routine empties with those back-ups, used up quite a few bar soaps as well as skincare minis, and I've also been focusing on using my body oils. Again, I have also received a number of new PR samples, so the drawer may look nearly as full to you overall; I'm however succeeding in finishing older products from my stash before moving on to the fresher stock. Two factors that have been helping me in moving products out is the fact that my husband is now more into skincare and uses a cleanser, moisturizer and an oil from my stash, as well as my attempts at using up the bar soaps by making them into a countertop cleaning spray and possibly a liquid hand soap (haven't tried that last project yet but it's on my list).
Back-up drawer in June 2016.
As for skincare purchases, I have bought one skincare product in the past three months - an exfoliating mask - but since I've used up all my other masks with that same purpose, it's a replacement and doesn't break my no buy rules. I was a little tempted by some organic bodycare from an Icelandic brand while we were on holiday, but in the end, I didn't think the products were all that special and I resisted. I bought an Icelandic wool hat and a silver necklace from a local jewelry designer instead :)

I think that's all I wanted to say! Maybe it's not the most exciting update since I wasn't really torn over anything in the past three months, but that's just how it is: if you're just starting out with a no buy or low buy challenge, it does get a lot easier as the time goes on. I'm thinking part of it is just getting used to the new self-imposed rules, but perhaps a bigger part is learning strategies to cope with lemmings and getting to know one's preferences and priorities a lot better. How have you been doing with your minimalist challenges? Any major breakthroughs or lightbulb moments you'd like to share?


  1. It looks like you have made great progress with the skincare. I would be so tempted to put something in that whole where you can see the bottom of the drawer(!). But its a great visual for your progress. I've fallen off the buy buy buy bandwagon and have actually come to the conclusion that if i have to agonize over a product then its not worth buying. If the desire to buy it isnt immediate and very strong then it goes into the not necessary pile.

    1. That's so true about agonizing over products - I think when we go back and forth, there is always this little voice in our head that says 'No, you really don't need this'. For me, it usually turns out to be right :)

  2. Good to hear that despite the no buy you weren't feeling like it was driving you crazy. I've been trying to be more sensible with my purchases too.

  3. I've been getting rid of all my unloved items. I don't even bother to do a blog sale anymore. I just give them to my mom so she could give to her friends. I also give to my friends who appreciate them. Feels good to let go of them. I bought mostly skincare I needed to replenish, because I've been really good at using up everything. Then suddenly, I get sent some PR samples, and now I have a backup of everything again. I'm not complaining though. I go through skincare like a pro :-)

    1. I agree, giving away to friends and family is much easier than organizing a blog sale; although it is nice to be able to recuperate some of the sunken cost. Haha, I know the feeling - a lot of the time I'll purchase a replacement and a week or so later, I get an email asking if I'd like to try a product from that same category. That's okay though :)

    2. Every time I dig out makeup to give away, I always count how much money I've spent. Then I'd kick myself in the butt for spending and not using. It's definitely great to be able to recuperate just a little, but gosh, the hassle. Just thinking about going to the post office with the baby tires me out. LOL!

  4. In my case, I am coping with the no buy thing. Though its hard, I think its for my own good too. I will be more sensible in what I buy especially in makeup products and skin care products.

  5. Your approach seems to be quite successful. I noticed that you write a lot about skin care (sorry for not commeting here - I have a totally different type of skin!). I'm glad to hear that you found a good routine and that your back up drawer became smaller. What is your current make up stash doing? Are you still using the nude tude palette only?

    My exitement for cosmetics especially new products reduced as most bloggers are hyping products which you can only import online -.- Some of the currently hyped products are way too expensive and I don't even like most of the current trends. I have spent more time with my friends or on my hobbies instead of googling swatches or reading other blogs.
    I'll post my half-years update in the next days. I have 12 products less than in january, but I have bought some eyeshadows and nailpolishes. The rest seems to be quite okay. Currently I'm thinking about reviving my project empty pan next year.

    1. Hi Lila! Yes, I've had a lot more new skincare products so that's what I've been reviewing lately - I would like to post more about make-up but I'm a bit short on ideas when I don't have any new products to show. I'm thinking of writing more 'Shop My Stash' posts.

      Yes, I am still using the Nude'Tude - I just posted an update! I sometimes incorporate other shadows with it to mix up the looks, maybe I'll do a post on it too. The rest of my make-up face is pretty much all products from my current Project Pan.

      I get you on the high cost of the new releases - I guess my treshold has changed there too because I look at something and think - there's no way I'm spending my money on this, I'd rather get something for the kitchen :D

      I'm looking forward to your update!

  6. Good job! I did moderately okay with my beauty purchases lately too. Not as good as you have though. And I think you have done a great job with your drawer! :)

    I think I need to focus on some sort of low buy / no buy thing, but I always have an impossible time with it. I like how you've set a limit for number of products - have you tried setting a price limit too? I feel like either of these methods could potentially work for me haha!
