
Thursday, June 2, 2016

My Current Facial Mask Wardrobe

For a few years now, I've been really enjoying keeping three types of facial masks in my medicine cabinet: a purifying clay one, an exfoliating one, and a hydrating mask. I usually also have at least a few different sheet masks on hand as well, but I think their results sort of overlap with a good wash-off hydrating mask, so these three really allow me cover all the bases and act accordingly to what my skin needs at any given time.
I mask about 2 times a week, so most weeks one of these masks is not even used at all. For the past couple of months, my routine has been to use my exfoliating mask towards the middle of the week, and then on the weekend, I'll either do the clay or the hydrating one; or you know, if I'm feeling really fancy, I could apply the clay to the areas that need more decongesting, and the other one everywhere else - but to be honest, I'm too lazy to do that :)
Let's start with the newest addition to my mask wardrobe, the newly released Nuxe Nuxuriance Ultra Re-Plumping Roll-On Mask* ($53 for 1.6 fl oz, available at here). This anti-aging mask promises to smooth the skin, reshape facial contours and enhance radiance. It contains sweet almond oil, glycerin, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid as well as saffron and bougainvillea extracts.
The novelty factor of this mask is that it comes with a cooling roll-on applicator; I thought it would get very messy in use, but thanks to an off/on switch, you can easily control the amount of product dispersed onto the metal part, and I'm not going to lie, it's very satisfying to roll your face with it, especially on the cheek and jaw area. That being said, I'm very skeptical as to the 'face reshaping' claims - I can't really observe anything to that effect on my nearly 30 year-old skin, and I don't think you could hope to minimize sagging with a facial mask that you leave on for 10 minutes.

Nevetheless, I find this mask pleasant to use and effective at hydrating and moisturizing my skin. One negative that I have experienced is that I may be slightly allergic to one of the ingredients, because my face feels a bit hot after application, and after I remove any remnants of the mask that haven't absorbed with a hydrosol/ toner, my skin looks a bit red. Like all Nuxe products I've tried thus far, the Re-Plumping Mask is quite strongly fragrance, so bear that in mind if you're sensitive.
The exfoliating mask I've been reaching for in the past three weeks is a cheap and cheerful find: the Freeman Feeling Beautiful Facial Peeling Pumpkin Mask. I haven't had it in my back-up drawer for very long so it didn't even occur to me to check, but I can't find this anywhere online - I believe it may have been discontinued :( At any rate, if you do manage to find it somewhere, it's a very decent exfoliating mask with both AHAs and enzymes, and I would look into repurchasing if it weren't for two things (aside from it being discontinued): it unnecessarily contains large pieces of walnut shells, and the scent is a bit over the top - like an inexpensive cinnamon candle. Oh well - I did go ahead and purchase a different pumpkin mask in its place, a review coming soon.
Lastly, when my skin is feeling especially oily or congested, I like to use the Caudalie Instant Detox Mask ($39 for 2.5 fl oz; I have a deluxe sample size). This mask contains grape marc, pink clay, coffee and papaya enzymes, as well as a whole host of essential oils - bergamot, lavender, clary sage, myrrh, sandalwood. For this reason, it smells absolutely beautiful - reminds me of an herbally cocktail, but again, sensitive skin types beware; it also contains alcohol.
The scent is more or less the only reason why I still reach for this mask - I don't think it's particularly effective as far as clay masks go. You certainly won't get the intense results like with the Aztec Healing Clay (reviewed here) when you use the Caudalie mask; and I wouldn't even mind the gentler effect if I didn't feel like this mask was also quite drying at the same time. Sure, I have observed that my pores are less noticeable immediately after removing the Instant Detox Mask, but I don't think it helps all that much with breakouts or blackheads. So there - I much preferred the Clarins Pure Matte mask with pink clay that I reviewed here.
And that's a wrap for my current skincare routine series - you can catch my morning and evening routines here and here if you've missed previous installments. I hope this was helpful for you and let me know if you have any questions about the products mentioned. Thank you for reading!

Disclaimer: Product marked with an asterix (*) is a press sample I received from the brand's PR for review consideration. The other two products were gifts. All links are non-affiliate. All opinions are 100% honest and unbiased, no matter if the product featured were purchased with my own money or provided free of charge. Thank you for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I used to have the detox mask and I really liked it. Probably my favorite from the whole Caudalie mask range.
