Saturday, August 29, 2009
Little something for my girlies

Friday, August 28, 2009
One week before the big day
Friday, August 21, 2009
French twist updo
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
MAC wedding makeover

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Birthday wishlist

Monday, August 17, 2009
Fresh voluminous hair
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Nutrition tips for beautiful skin

Thursday, August 13, 2009
New make-up station
Monday, August 10, 2009
Monday award and a secret
The absolutely lovely Suka & Spice (very promptly nicknamed a Tongan Princess by Tali ) gave me this hilarious award; thank you, cherie!
The rules are to list your 5 current obsessions, link back to the person who nominated you, and then nominate 5 fabulous blogs by linking to them and letting them know in the comments. Simple!
1. Wedding. Enough said :)
2. Lingerie. Seriously, my undies are a STATE. If I were in MTV Room Riders, I don't even want to imagine what the poor audience would think of my drawer. The biggest crime is that most of my bras are the wrong size and they're really uncomfortable to wear. But... I went lingerie shopping today, haul will be posted soon!

3. Beautiful photography. I discovered Tumblr through Magpie Sparkles blog and I never have enough. It really motivates me to start snapping my own photos pronto!
4. Tan. I want a perfect tan now! Any product recommendations, my lovelies?
5. Essential oils. I blogged about this last week I think, and I'm still lusting after some new scents to add to my collection. Currently, my favorites are levender, patchouli and eucalyptus.

I tag these amazing blogs:
Loveaudrey, with whom I share the Hepburn obsession
Tali at The Gloss Goss, another Slavic beauty junkie
Victoria at Lily loves Lola, a fellow dog person
Hele and Holly at The Nail Buff, which got me hooked on nail polish
Natalia at Fashion Titbits, who posts the most amazing fashion photos
Also, I decided to let you girls in a secret :) When I set up mu blog a couple of months ago I decided to keep it separate from my real life identity and not to share it with my non-virtual friends as I knew there'd be little understanding for it. I even disguised my name and settled on a French nickname ('rocaille' [pr. ro'kay] is an ornament in the shape of a shell/ spiral, widely used in the art of Rococo period) , even though I'm Polish. Anyhow, I know this has been a bit confusing to some of my readers and I thought that I also love knowing people's real names, so... My name is Monika, in Polish pronounciation stressed on the second, not first syllable; yes, I'm a a languages geek, you have to bear with me... :)
So, if you feel comfortable revealing it, what's your real name? I'd love to know! xxx
Sunday, August 9, 2009
My top 3 nail polishes

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Ins & Outs

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The prettiest shopping bag ever

Sunday, August 2, 2009
FOTD 60's style

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Updo hesitations